Finding My Heart in Vietnam

“Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.” - T.S. Eliot

Vietnam is a beautiful country, and our trip was full of sightseeing, fun activities, and some learning on a deeper level about the past history between Vietnam and the US. I enjoyed our tour immensely and loved meeting our guides. But I’d be lying if I said any of that is what made the last ten days so wonderful. I could’ve been anywhere in the world with Jamie and Mary, and I would have loved every minute of it.

Being reunited with Jamie was an overwhelming balm to my heart. Getting to spend time with her and Mary, being a part of their friendship, and seeing how they interact and joke was extra special insight. They could not have been easier-going travel companions. We had so much fun, and I feel so lucky to have had that time with them.

I have been struggling lately with being away from friends and family, and our time together just reinforced the fact that it is time for me to head home to all the people I love. I am so grateful for this time of travel and adventure. I’m grateful for the experiences and people I’ve met. I’m so glad I took this time at this point in my life. I’m fortunate to have so many people that I love in my life. People who were encouraging and supportive of these last few months even when they missed me. I needed it; it’s been like some extreme therapy, but I feel so focused and aware of what matters most in my life and how I want to live in this next chapter of life. Thank you for your love and friendship if you are reading this because the people who read this have made these last eight months emotionally possible for me.




The Holidays, endings and beginnings


Waiting in Singapore…