Camino de Santiago Day 1

Pilgrims are poets who create by taking journeys.” - Richard R. Niebuhr

First let me say how very grateful I am that I was moved to switch to the Norte trail. The first day was difficult, but incredibly beautiful.

I’m not sure if I’m opening up so can see the signs or if I’m making coincidences mean more than they do. But 3 mentions of San Sabastian led me to the Norte. Then the first two people I meet along the trail are Sara and Rebecca (for those who only know my mom as Becky, her full name is Sara Rebecca). The next person I meet, Leah. It’s like God is tapping me on the shoulder. But then I thought, it’s probably pretty common on a catholic pilgrimage to meet people with biblical names. So I got another tap, and the rest of the day (and 14 people later)…no more biblical names. Hmmm.

I took a cold shower after I checked in at my hostel, hoping that will help all my sore spots. I may have pushed it a little too far today, my knee, hip and shoulder are all feeling it. I have decided to treat it as intensive PT in my mind and just imagine how I’m healing and getting stronger.

The cool bar area of Zarautz is another kilometer down the beach from my hostel. I know that doesn’t sound far, but after my day it might as well have been 5 miles.

I opted to sit at the first restaurant I came to rather than explore. I enjoyed tortilla de patatas and a beer. My table is on the boardwalk with a great view of all the surfers. Call me happy.

I get a beer every time I sit down here, nothing sounds so good as a beer after a day of exercise outdoors!

The surfers are entertaining and kids are having fun in the waves, but now that I’m fed I’m just wondering how long do I sit here before bed. It’s only 6 pm, the sun won’t go down until 9:15 pm. But I’m tired, lol.

I will leisurely stroll back in a bit and I can charge my battery pack, and phone. Maybe I’ll spend the time actually posting this. Some chats if anyone is available, although it is the middle of the work day back in KC.

The leisurely stroll was delayed just a bit. My new friend Caroline from Germany came by and sat with me, she enjoyed her wine and we learned a bit about one another. Still headed to the hostel before sunset!

On the hostel situation: The first hostel I stayed in an all women’s room, but tonight it’s co-ed. The hostel tonight is nicer, I’m still not loving the bathroom situation, but it’s better than last night. The pilgrims I met along the way have said I need to stay in the public alburgues, I’ll get there - baby steps.

My “private” hostel is 25€, the all girls dorm cost an extra 3€. But the “public” alburgues ask for a donation of 10€!

I’m very American in that I believe you get what you pay for, so I’m beyond skeptical. But it’s all part of the experience, I have to at least try it out!

How bad can it really be, I’m washing my clothes in a sink and sharing a bathroom with 12 strangers as it is!?

Thanks for reading and checking in on me.

Buen camino!




Day 2, Zarautz to Deba


Listening to My Intuition